Voicemail Office’s Standard Billing and Payment Terms:
At Voicemail Office, we strive to provide simple and flexible billing options for our valued customers. Here are some improvements we have made to our standard billing and payment terms:
Flexible Payment Options: You can choose to be billed monthly by major credit card, or opt for bi-annual or annual billing by check or card upon request. We want to accommodate your preferred payment method to make the process as convenient as possible.
Customized Payment Dates: By default, your credit card will be charged on the 1st or 25th of each month. However, if you have specific payment date preferences, simply let us know, and we will gladly accommodate your request.
Easy Cancellation: We understand that circumstances change, and you may need to cancel your service with us. You can cancel at any time by submitting a cancellation request at https://www.voicemailoffice.com/cancel at least 30 days prior to the next billing date. We value your convenience and want to make the cancellation process seamless for you.
Activation Fee & Refundable Deposit: To set up your account, we charge a one-time $10 activation fee. This fee, along with a last month refundable deposit, is billed upon account setup. The deposit will be refunded upon account cancellation or be applied to the last month of service. This is billed to ensure that your account remains active in case your credit or debit card is lost or stolen until you can provide us with a new card. We believe in transparency, and we want you to fully understand any charges associated with your account.
Transparent Pricing: Each voicemail number will be billed $1 monthly for account maintenance, while each account will incur a $1.97 for voicemail server storage/admin, plus a .79 debit/credit card processing fee, if applicable, monthly. Local numbers in Canada, as well as in the 212 New York, New York area, will be billed an additional $2/mo. surcharge.
Rest assured that all the costs and fees are included in the listed as set forth on this page that is also linked (Terms of Agreement) in the footer on each site page for reference. Voicemail Office subscribers can check back and review any updates or inquire from customer service through our contact page regarding any fees, which are subject to change.
We hope these improvements make your experience with Voicemail Office more enjoyable and hassle-free. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.
High Volume Voicemail Storage, Account Adjustments and Customization Billing Terms:
Customers with high volume voicemail accounts may be subject to an additional storage fee of $5-10 per month if they receive more than 300 voicemails within a certain period and fail to delete them. Nevertheless, customers can choose to have this additional storage fee removed through a support request, whereas the high volume storage will be disabled.
Overdue accounts will be billed a non-refundable $10 late fee, and if 30 days past due .25/day.
Account adjustments and customizations to our standard voicemail service will incur a one-time activation or set up fee, ranging from $5 to $25 or more, depending on the level of time involved. Requests for pricing before adjustments and/or customizations are made can be emailed to our support email or through our contact page.
A one-time $15 fee will apply for account ownership or contact changes. A $10 fee will be charged for credit card updates made over the phone through a representative, while online credit card updates at https://www.voicemailoffice.com/update are free of charge.
Accounts requiring reactivation due to non-payment will be billed $25 or for reversal of collection status.
Full agreement terms are contained herein on this webpage.
All amounts due with respect to this agreement including any sales, use, value added or similar taxes, fees and charges, which are imposed upon the service to be provided pursuant to this agreement, will be billed by VoicemailOffice.com, (herein the Company).
Company agrees to sell to Customer and Customer agrees to purchase from Company voicemail services according to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Customer’s who fail to provide matching bank billing information will result in an additional monthly processing cost.
Company agrees to use its best efforts to accurately transmit all voice, fax, and e-mail messages. Customer acknowledges voicemail services may be lost for many reasons other than by reason of negligence of Company, including but not limited to, dialing errors, power failures, malfunctioning of wireline and wireless communication networks and electrical interference. Customer agrees Company shall not be liable for lost profits or exemplary, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages which arise directly or indirectly out of use, lack of use, unavailability or malfunction of the services, whether such damages are asserted in an action brought in contract, in tort or pursuant to other theory. Customer agrees to use the services only in accordance with applicable law.
Customer acknowledges that errors on occasion do occur in processing order(s), including but not limited to, an incorrect number, passcode, etc. Therefore, customer agrees that they will not market or advertise a number that they have not personally tested and setup. Customer agrees not to place an order for brochures, posters, business cards, letterhead, classified, print, radio, or television ads, or any other form of marketing materials until they have personally tested, setup, and listened to their assigned Voicemail Office number prior to placing any type of order where the number will be used. Customer agrees Company shall not be liable for lost marketing/advertising dollars, profits or exemplary, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages which arise from any error on the Company’s behalf.
Additionally, Customer understands that the porting (move) of numbers to Voicemail Office is not guaranteed and that Company will make its best effort to obtain the specified number(s) that is/are owned by customer from another provider/carrier once a Letter of Authorization (LOA) is completed by Customer. Customer agrees and understands that the porting process may take up to 4 or more weeks. Company is not responsible for any errors on a submitted LOA request nor is responsible for any down time on any given number being ported in. Customer may cancel a porting request only in writing; however, Customer agrees that they will be responsible for all porting and service costs/fees up until the cancellation is provided.
Company offers its services for “normal and customary” business and personal use. If Customer receives large call volume, especially in a short time frame, they must obtain a separate written agreement for high volume use. Company also reserves the right to refuse services to Customers that Company feels is not a good fit or due to religious convictions or right of conscience concerns of management/ownership. Furthermore, Company does not permit its services to be used for the promotion of illegal substances, depraved or immoral acts—whether legal or illegal—or by Customers that promote any form of sexually-themed products, services or otherwise, such as, but not limited to, “adult content,” nor by Customers who seek to use the service to promote sexuality in any manner, or by entities that will use the service as a part of its operation, even if the service itself is not directly being used for such a purpose. Company reserves the right to cancel service at any time. Voicemail greetings that contain vulgar, vile, or obscene language shall be terminated immediately.
Customer further understands and agrees to be responsible only for services rendered by Company up until the end of the agreement that the Company receives, in writing from Customer (via Cancellation Form at https://www.voicemailoffice.com/cancel or by Fax (888-864-2362), Certified or Registered mail), Customer’s written desire to cancel services. All written cancellation letters must include the Local Voicemail Office (LVO) number(s) and bear the signature of the Customer before the voicemail service is terminated. Customer will then receive confirmation of the cancellation, which can be used to validate the cancellation. Cancellations are not conducted by telephone and must be received in writing 30 days prior to the start of the customer’s next billing cycle, which is either on the 25th or 1st of each month. Failure to do so will result in a disconnection charge and forfeiture of any account credits. Additionally, if the Customer, for any reason, abandons their account by failing to keep his or her account information updated, a non-refundable $100 disconnection/abandonment charge will be applied prior to the account’s transfer to collections. If the account has not been transferred to collections, and a client makes a payment prior to this period, management may reduce the charge to $39 to remove the account from collection status and close the account in good standing.
The Customer, whether as the authorized signatory on the account application or on behalf of the legal entity they represent, acknowledges and accepts full legal responsibility for the billing associated with the account. The Customer understands that any collection actions may be taken against the signatory and/or the legal entity. In the event that the account enters collection status or requires legal action to recover the debt, the Customer agrees to be responsible for all associated collection expenses and attorney’s fees.
The Customer agrees to contact the Company regarding any disputes via email or contact form before initiating a chargeback, whether the chargeback is deemed warranted or unwarranted. If the Customer initiates a chargeback without first notifying the Company, they will be responsible for all costs incurred by the Company as a result, including but not limited to any fees charged by the Company’s processor, administrative costs, and any other charges arising from the chargeback.
Any billing disputes must be submitted within 90 days from the billing date; otherwise, the Customer forfeits any collected amounts related to those charges.
The Customer affirms that all information provided in the service application is accurate and complete. The Customer authorizes the Company to charge a $10 late fee and a daily late fee of $0.25 for amounts more than 7 days past due. The Customer agrees to resolve any billing disputes directly with the Company via email or contact form before reaching out to the credit card provider or bank. A $50 fee will be charged for any unwarranted chargeback or ACH (Virtual Check) return on the Customer’s account. All sales are final.
Account Disputes or Claims Unresolved by Mutual Agreement:
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, interpretation, validity, breach, or termination, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the Pennsylvania Arbitration Act. The arbitration shall be conducted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The parties agree that any arbitration award shall be final and binding, and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The prevailing party in the arbitration shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs from the other party.
By entering into this Agreement, the parties knowingly and voluntarily waive any right they may have to bring or participate in any class action or collective action lawsuit against the other party. The parties further agree that this arbitration provision constitutes a waiver of their right to a trial by jury.
This agreement to arbitrate shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement and any disputes or claims arising after such termination or expiration shall be subject to arbitration.
If any provision of this arbitration clause is found to be unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The parties expressly intend that this arbitration provision be valid, enforceable, and interpreted to the fullest extent consistent with applicable law.
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