Historically, landline and toll free numbers have not been able to accept text messages, but now they can! With Voicemail Office’s SMS/MMS service, you now can send and receive text messages on any existing landline or toll free number! You are not even required to move your existing number(s) to us; we can simply enable the feature on our end. Or, you can add to any of our toll free or local voicemail numbers! Please contact us for pricing.
Customers often think they can text any number, but unfortunately when texting landlines and toll free numbers those texts go nowhere — until now! Now, you no longer have to give out your personal cell phone number for customers to text you about business related matters.
In this day and age where virtually everyone has their own mobile phone and with over 6 billion SMS messages sent per day in the U.S. alone, texting is such an easy and essential way that customers can reach and communicate with your business about your products and services. Your customers have can now have your business as their fingertips!
Toll free and landline SMS/MMS numbers from Voicemail Office makes it easy to integrate voice and text messaging features into one platform. The platform easily works over the top of your existing phone system, or as a stand-alone solution.
Click play here to see how this service can be utilized for your business:
This is an extremely convenient way for customers to communicate and receive answers from you and your business!
Whether a customer is attempting to send your company a picture taken on their mobile phone of a job they need done, or are requesting help in trying to identify an item, or are corresponding with you about last minute changes about an order, having the ability to receive texts on your business phone lines can really help with the ease of doing business all while maintaining your personal mobile phone’s privacy.
If you are texted as a result of your business landline or toll free number being posted somewhere, you will totally miss out on these valuable business opportunities.
Place “Call or Text” next to your business number and stop losing business and wasting time on voice calls. Stay ahead of your competition by adding texting to your landlines and toll free numbers today!
This service starts at only $24.99/mo. for up to 500 texts. There is no activation charge for this service if you have an existing number with us. Quantity discounts are also available. Additional texts are only .049 cents each. You are not required to have your numbers with us to utilize this service.
If you would like to get started, click here to contact us to discuss your options with a sales representative.
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