We believe that our services are of great benefit to businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs that once you begin to see how effective our various services are in streamlining your calls and messages that you will “refer-a-friend” and tell others about us.
While word-of-mouth is often how others come to Voicemail Office, and will continue to be the case, we want to offer a “Thank You” of sorts to those who do refer friends or other business professionals by offering existing customers a FREE month of service for every person referred.
All you need to do is have the person reference your account local voicemail or toll free number and/or name on the order from of the service being ordered. We will then apply a FREE month of service to your account, and they will receive FREE activation of their service! There is a financial incentive for them to include your information, so it is a win-win situation, and they will also begin to take advantage of the same excellent service you are receiving.
If you believe referrals will be more often due to the line of business you are in, such as MLM or other network marketing, please consider joining our affiliate program by clicking here.
Voicemail Office offers the best price in voice mail and unified messaging services, guaranteed! If you find a comparable service at a lower cost, we will match or beat the advertised price.
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