Question and Answer Voicemail provides an easy way to automatically pre-screen applicants for job interviews, conduct call-in surveys, take orders by phone or to conduct other phone questionnaires. When callers are transferred to your Q & A Voicemail, or if they call directly, they will hear your introductory greeting followed by a pre-recorded series of questions, and will be given a chance to respond to each. When your caller is finished answering the pre-recorded questions, a single voicemail message in audio format will be sent to you by email that will contain all of their responses in order.
Q & A Voicemail makes collecting information from your callers easy and saves valuable time. Flat rate simple pricing makes the system affordable too! Pricing starts as low at $24.99/mo. with no per minute charges or contracts!
Here are just some of the various uses of Question & Answer Voicemail:
Employment or Job Pre-Screening
Pre-screening applicants for job interviews is how utilizing Q & A Voicemail can save you time and energy. By doing so, you can easily “weed out” candidates that are unqualified for an advertised position without wasting valuable time, allowing you to spend more of your time finding applicants who do meet the minimum basic job requirements before you even speak to them. Q & A Voicemail is used for various types of pre-screening.
Telephone Surveys
Telephone surveys are used in a variety of ways by both businesses and organizations, and with Q & A Voicemail, you now have an easy and affordable way to obtain customer input on products and services or feedback from the public on certain issues of social and political importance. The Q & A Voicemail system is ideal for campaigning efforts and a great way to get public opinion on social and political matters. Whatever your survey, Voicemail Office’s Q & A Voicemail is ready to handle your calls and get your answers!
Customer Service Follow-Up
Another popular way that Q&A Voicemail can be utilized is for customer experience surveys, which allows for customers to share their input by questions at the conclusion of speaking to a customer service or technical support representative. With your Q & A Voicemail system, a representative can ask the caller if they wouldn’t mind taking a brief follow-up survey. If they agree, the representative can simply transfer the caller to the Q & A Voicemail where the follow-up questions will begin automatically and record the caller’s responses. Additionally, in a similar fashion, some companies offer a number on product packaging that can be used for survey purposes.
Automated Order Taking
Automated Order Taking is one way to make ordering and reordering quick and easy for your customers. Even outside of business hours, customers can place orders when it’s convenient for them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s a real time-saver, especially for returning customers. Customers simply identify their account information (e.g. first and last name, and a password for security purposes), along with what they would like to order and the billing information they already have on file with you. You will get a single voicemail message that contains all the information you need to look up their account, verify their identify and provision their order. You will be able to provide as much instruction as needed and customize the system to allow customers to order your products and/or services with ease.
local and toll free number selection available on order form
† Pricing includes local phone number
8 Q & A VOICEMAIL $24.99/mo. 10 Q & A VOICEMAIL $29.99/mo. 15 Q & A VOICEMAIL $34.99/mo. 20 Q & A VOICEMAIL $39.99/mo. |
Billing & Service Information:
• One-time activation of $25 All packages include the following features: • Introductory & closing greeting |
Optional Voiceover Talent Recordings:
Your Q & A Voicemail recordings can be professionally recorded and uploaded to your system with this premium service. Simply submit your script and our voiceover talent will take care of the rest!
† Pricing for full studio production
8 Q & A VOICEOVER $130 10 Q & A VOICEOVER $150 15 Q & A VOICEOVER $190 20 Q & A VOICEOVER $250 |
Billing & Service Information:
• One-time voiceover investment To get started, email your script |
Please contact us if you have any questions about our Q & A Voicemail.
You may also find the Q & A Voicemail setup instructions by clicking here.
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