Voicemail Office provides local voicemail numbers in virtually any city nationwide, which can be set up as a stand-alone voicemail number or a Virtual PBX number that transfers calls to your home, office or mobile number.
Our local voicemail numbers come in two different formats, which are Local Voicemail Office (LVO) or our Virtual Voicemail Office (VVO). The difference in the formats are as follows:
Local Voicemail Office (LVO) — If you simply need callers to be able to listen to a greeting (or greetings) and leave voicemail messages, which will automatically be delivered to your email in an audio file in addition to being able to be checked by phone or via online web portal (or need number for announcements only), then our LVO service is for you. Please click here to find a full list of all the voicemail system’s features and functions.
Virtual Voicemail Office (VVO) — If you need callers to be able to listen to a greeting (or greetings), have multiple voicemail boxes for different people or departments and/or need to have callers routed live to your landline or mobile number, then our VVO service is for you. Please click here to find a full list of all the voicemail system’s features and functions.
These voicemail formats have a number of features and functions that can be customized, and local number selection is available in both the U.S. and Canada. Please visit the above links to read more or give us a call to discuss your voicemail and unified messaging needs!
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