If you own a business, perhaps you might be pondering right now whether you should upgrade your office phone system to the latest innovations in voicemail technology. You might be wondering whether its usage is need in your office. For those that might think voicemail is only for taking messages, this article is designed to inform you of the many possibilities that are now contained in basic voicemail service.
Voicemail services are doing more than most could imagine these days. Any business can set up their voicemail to provide needed information to their customers, to make it readily available without having to wait to speak to a representative. For example, callers may choose a certain extension to receive information about office hours, driving directions or to obtain the fax number. A number of banks and financial institutions now offer account-holders the abiltity to monitor their checking and savings balances via automated voicemail. Other businesses, such as retail stores, use their voicemail system to perform automated ordering tasks 24 hours a day, and some also allow gift card holders to dail in and learn of the remaining amount on their card.
One of the premiere providers of modern voicemail technology is Voicemail Office. Businesses can set up their system to perform the tasks that relate to their needs or the needs of their customers, and can also receive any incoming messages through their email inbox, along with all faxes. Unified messaging and the modern convenience of voicemail wrapped into one make the service extremely desirable and for any business, large or small. Furthermore, with this technology, small businesses won’t sound so small anymore. Simply upgrading the business voicemail can upgrade the business image.
For more information about how voicemail can be a tremendous asset for any business, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com Rates start at just $9.95 a month.
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