A number of phone service providers are talking about enhanced voicemail; but, what is it? What does it offer the everyday user that sets it apart from the traditional voicemail service that we are accustomed to?
Enhanced voicemail is a type of service that provides much more than the regular receipt of recorded messages on one’s cell phone or business phone. It takes voicemail to a whole new level. Although the features offered by service providers may differ, for the most part, many of them are similar. For instance, enhanced voicemail customarily comes with the ability to receive voicemail in one’s email inbox, also known as voicemail to email, and users may opt to be notified with a page or a text when they have received a new voicemail message. When the voicemail arrives to the individual’s email inbox, it will come in the form of a .wav or .mp3 file. The voicemail can be forwarded to another individual with a note, or may be saved to one’s computer for indefinite storage.
Other more developed voicemail features may include voicemail to text, in which the message received is transcribed and sent to the recipient as a text message. Since this type of technology is still in need of perfection due to accuracy concerns, it is not yet offered widely.
Many businesses both nationally and globally have been making the switch to enhanced voicemail, also known as virtual voicemail, because of the convenience it brings, along with the ability for employees to work more efficiently and productively. Modern voicemail service providers also offer to businesses fax to email service, which allows them to receive faxes in their email inbox as a .pdf file.
Enhanced voicemail is certainly a step up from conventional service, and while some may not need it for personal matters, it is an absolute must for any business.
For more information, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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