Businesses that wish to save money on staffing or who are short on help may wish to consider utilizing a business phone system with an automated attendant. It is one of the most used aspects of corporate voicemail today.
An automated attendant is a business telephony system that allows callers to be transferred to the appropriate office extension without the need of a receptionist. After a caller dials the business number, they are greeted by a recorded message, outlining the various extensions that the person can choose from. The caller simply presses the number of the extension that they wish to be transferred to, and within seconds, they can hear the system dialing. If the staff member is not available, voicemail will pick up, and for some systems, the individual will also have the choice to transfer to a different extension.
Automated attendants are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as they often eliminate the need for an operator, thus saving money. However, some companies use both an automated attendant and an operator, although the operator is only used as a contact for general inquiries that can be answered outside needing to talk to a specific staff member.
The most common usage of an automated attendant is with virtual PBX service. Businesses that purchase PBX usually do so because they have a number of employees that need extensions, or they have independent contractors that work from home and would like to give them an extension on the system. If there is an increase or decrease in staff, costs remain the same as use of the service is billed on a low monthly flat rate.
Automated attendants can give small businesses and home ventures a professional image, which can be of great value. Each business must choose whether they prefer to use this method, or to hire a live operator.
For more information about voicemail can be a great asset to any business, visit
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