PHILADELPHIA — (VMO), the premier voicemail and unified messaging telephony service in America, has expanded to provide local service throughout the provinces of Canada. Now businesses and organizations both national and international can establish a presence in the country and take advantage of corporate and non-profit opportunities that were never before tapped into or realized.
With the new voicemail service from VMO, the possibilities are virtually endless. Businesses throughout America and abroad can set up an information line or comment line, initiate automated order taking and more. For instance, the local number provided by VMO can enable businesses to advertise their product in Canada and then take orders over the phone automatically by programming their voicemail account to follow specific voice prompts. Non-profit organizations can raise awareness to certain issues or causes by setting up their voicemail service to provide pre-recorded messages.
Internally, Canadian residents can utilize the service to provide important information, such as school closings, weather reports, traffic statuses and more. Radio and television stations can utilize VMO’s service to gather opinions on various issues and give airplay to the recorded comments, which are stored as mp3 files. Local businesses can also take advantage of the voicemail service.
Like its current plans for American citizens, there are no per minute charges, no contracts and no usage limitations. Clients can choose from one of the available area codes throughout Canada. Voicemail messages can easily be retrieved by phone or via email, and up to 999 messages can be stored for each account. Professional voiceover service is also available for an additional fee.
The service is especially advantageous for international businesses and organizations that wish to expand their reach into Canada without having to force customers to pay pricey international calling fees. Response rates dramatically increase with the usage of a local number.
For more information about VMO’s service in Canada, including pricing, visit or call their toll free number 1-888-VOICEMAIL.
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