In years past, although it was simultaneously considered to be a magnificent advancement in communications, the telephone was thought to be an intrusive invention. It required an individual to immediately stop and talk to someone no matter what they were doing, whether cooking dinner, typing an important document or even trying to take a nap. However, with the invention of the answering machine, and later voicemail, the telephone is no longer a nuisance. Users are able to control who they talk to and when.
Remember the days when you were in the middle of taking a bath, and the ringing phone demanded that you attended to it? Remember how you hurriedly wrapped a towel around yourself and ran to the phone, only to find that it was a telemarketer trying to sell you a magazine subscription? This annoyance is no more with the availability of voicemail. Furthermore, never again must dinner be interrupted by non-emergency calls, nor those crazy moments when you are trying to get all the children’s teeth brushed and off to bed.
With voicemail, you can let a call go to a pre-recorded message. It means, “I’m tending to other matters right now, but I will contact you when I am free.” For those who run a home business, this is ideal. It can sound very unprofessional when you answer a business call as you’re in the middle of helping your wife with a plumbing issue under the kitchen sink, while the dog is yapping loudly at a squirrel in the yard. Voicemail, unified messaging and virtual PBX providers such as Voicemail Office are helping work-at-home entrepreneurs to maintain a professional image, while tending to necessary matters around the house. Even better, they’re doing it at extremely affordable rates, starting as low as $9.95!
For more information about how voicemail and unified messaging can make your life a whole lot simpler, visit
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