An increasing number of stories in the news lately have covered international incidents of illegal voicemail hacking. In countries such as the United Kingdom, individuals have even been arrested for breaking into the voicemail of high-profile individuals.
Experts say that this is possible because of phone companies that allow users to turn off their password capabilities. Therefore, because these phones are left vulnerable, any individual that knows a person’s cell phone number is able to unlawfully hack into another’s voicemail to listen to their messages.
Consequently, it is best for cell phone owners to ensure that their voicemail is always password-protected, and that the code is only memorable to the user. Furthermore, cell phone owners should never share their password with anyone, no matter how trustworthy they might seem to be.
New technology in the world of voicemail now also enables individuals to obtain voicemail messages via their email inboxes along with incoming faxes, an invention known as unified messaging. Those that utilize unified messaging plans should also keep vigilant guard over their email passwords as well, and change them regularly if necessary. Experts suggest that email passwords should consist of both letters and numbers, and even other odd characters, such as a pound sign, underscore or exclamation point. The stronger the password, the less likely for a hacker to break in and steal personal information.
Thankfully, voicemail service providers such as Voicemail Office offer their clients a secret VIP code when signing up for a local or toll free number, which allows clients to carefully protect their voicemail from stalkers that may be trying to spy on their telephone conversations. Having this type of protection is not only ideal, but necessary in today’s age. It would make sense for those without such safeguards to obtain coverage, rather than leaving their private messages vulnerable to interception.
For more information about Voicemail Office and its voicemail plans, visit
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