Many business owners could see their sales figures increase substantially if they would simply sign up for voicemail service. However, not just any old voicemail will do. Businesses need to take advantage of the latest innovations in voicemail, which can take their communication capabilities from local to national.
Voicemail service providers today offer businesses the opportunity to utilize a toll free number, which will allow anyone from across the United States to call and make a purchase. Therefore, small businesses that see little phone activity can easily broaden their customer base by implementing this service and advertising the number, even if just on the home page of their website. Instead of offering a product only to those within driving distance, businesses can now widen their horizons to recieve orders from any of the 50 states across America.
What’s more, with current voicemail technology, business owners can program their voicemail to take automated orders 24 hours a day, so that even when the store closes, orders can still be received. By setting up their voicemail to ask various questions of the caller, the details of the order can be stored and then processed upon receipt. Furthermore, since voicemail is not only received via an individual’s cell phone anymore, but also in their email inbox, order messages can be stored and replayed for as long as needed. They also can be forwarded to another staff member with the click of a button, which was impossible with traditional voicemail.
Additionally, businesses can also receive fax orders or other fax messages in their email inbox via the same toll free number. Up to 999 messages can be stored, and there are no per minute fees. With virtual PBX, office phone systems can even be set up to ring into various locations that are outside of the main office.
Voicemail Office, one of the premier voicemail service providers in the world of telephony today, offers this new technology at the astonishingly low rate of just $9.95 a month. Businesses would do well to take advantage of these new innovations in voicemail to help their office not only survive, but thrive in today’s struggling economy.
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