An article written by the Info-Tech Research Group states that the use of unified messaging has skyrocketed over the past decade. In the year 2000, there were just under one million users of the technology; as of recent years, the tally was approximately 45 million.
Unified messaging is a telephony system that consolidates voicemail, fax and email, so that all messages are received in one central location. Instead of checking messages in three places, voicemail and fax messages are sent to the individual’s email inbox. The technology thus eliminates the need for answering machines or fax equipment as everything can be received virtually right over the internet.
Since this innovation in telephony helps businesses to work more efficiently, many have made the switch. However, businesses are not only choosing unified messaging because of the simplification it brings, but because it also helps to save money. Eliminating the expense of the purchase and upkeep of office equipment can save offices a substantial amount of capital every year.
When businesses increase productivity and save money in the process, there is greater likelihood for success. Therefore, it makes sense as to why this form of technology has seen a steady upswing over the past decade. Yet, there are still a significant number of businesses — especially small businesses — that are still in the dark that this mode of communication even exists.
Voicemail to email and fax to email will likely become the standard as the years go by, and office equipment such as answering and fax machines will find their way to the thrift store or the electronics recycling center. Numerous studies have shown that business professionals prefer to use this method of delivery as compared to the conventional methods of having multiple devices to check several times day.
For more information about how unified messaging can help businesses work more efficiently and save money in the process, visit
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