TMCNet reports that businesses can make their Smart phones even smarter by implementing unified messaging. Considering that most business professionals spend a large part of their work week on the road, that isn’t a bad idea.
While unified messaging helps to organize office communication by consolidating voicemail to email and fax to email, so that all incoming messages can be retrieved in a single location on an employee’s office computer, it also applies to mobile devices as well. Unified messaging can be utilized anywhere that the internet can be accessed. As long as the staff member can check their email, they can review all of their incoming messages.
Therefore, an executive can be on a business trip out of state or on the other side of the world and work as if they were still in the office. Voicemail can be listened to — and forwarded with a note if need be — and faxes can be both sent and received. There is no need to wait until one arrives at a hotel or corner cafe to find an internet connection, as mobile devices allow individuals to stay online at all times. Messages can be accessed on the plane, the train, the bus, and everywhere inbetween.
Mobile devices make using unified messaging all the more valuable, as not only does the feature help to save money by elminating the need for an answering machine or fax machine, but they provide instant notification of messages. Considering the fast-paced nature of society and its love of convenience, such is perfect for any business, whether large or small. For most voicemail service companies, such as Voicemail Office, unified messaging comes standard with basic service.
For more information about unified messaging and how it can improve office communication for all types of businesses, visit
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