When it comes to choosing voicemail for the office, it is wise to select a product that’s not going to take a lot of time and effort to install.
Businesses that choose to purchase a voicemail system may find themselves putting in several hours before they get everything set up. Of course, the time spent depends on the size of the business, but a recent report indicated that larger businesses will likely need to carve out nearly a full business day to get everything in in place. If the company is unable to handle the wiring and other technical setup on its own, it will need to hire an IT specialist, who will not only take his good ol’ time performing the installation, but he will also take the company’s money in the process. Add that to the cost of the equipment, and a pretty penny has been spent in the end.
On the other hand, businesses that choose to purchase voicemail service will be delighted that there is almost no set up time involved. Since voicemail service is a virtual application, everything is done right online. Normally, the host will set up the account for the business online and then supply them with a link where they may login to their virtual control board. The only setup that the company may need to handle is the designation of various extensions, the input of the email address (or addresses) that incoming voicemail should be delivered to, and if the service is PBX, the business will need to also designate what times phone calls should be forwarded out of the office, along with the number it should call. Setup time again varies in regard to business size, but for the everyday small business owner, everything should be ready to go in 15 minutes or less. Since there is no need for a technician, there are no extra fees as well.
Therefore, when it comes down to comparing the time spent installing a voicemail system with the time spend setting up voicemail service, it’s easy to see that voicemail service is the fastest — and most economical — way to go.
For more information about virtual voicemail service, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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