Voicemail was invented like most products: out of sheer need. In 1979, as a man named Gordon Matthews was on a business trip, he became frustrated that he was playing telephone tag while trying to contact the office. After the incident, he mentioned to his wife that he needed to invent a telephony system where people can send each other recorded messages.
Serious as can be about his idea, Matthews formed a company called VMX (Voice Message Express) and began to conduct research. The business was very small and only consisted of six people; however, by 1983, Matthews had invented a voicemail service and applied for a patent.
Although he sold his voicemail invention to the well-known corporation 3M, the product was too expensive for the general public, and only a few Fortune 500 companies were able to utilize it. However, a company named Dialogic Communications soon helped to solve that problem when it announced its invention of PC-based voice processing equipment. As the two inventions worked side by side, voicemail started becoming more common, and soon the public realized the convenience of the product and that it was a necessity for both commercial and personal communication. Now, virtually all cell phones have voicemail capability.
However, voicemail service keeps developing. In these modern times, all-in-one voicemail and fax service can be obtained at very low rates. Voicemail service providers like voicemailoffice.com offer both local and toll free voicemail packages and virtual PBX plans, with rates starting at just $9.95 a month.
For more information about how voicemail can radically transform your life and business, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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