“Find me follow me” is often touted as one of the most beneficial aspects of business voicemail service today. Ten years ago, however, hardly anyone knew about this service that many businesses now find hard to live without.
The feature allows businesses to set up their office phone service so that if a certain staff member is out of the office, incoming calls, which normally only ring in at their desk, will also ring into their mobile phone. Therefore, if a staff member is on the road, working from home, visiting another client or engaging in other business travel, they can still receive important calls just as if they were at the office.
Additionally, “find me follow me” allows employees to keep their cell phone number private. Instead of giving out their personal number to business contacts on their business card, employees can simply have their office number printed. Any calls that ring into the office at a time when the employee is away from their desk will then “find” them wherever they are by dialing their cell phone. If the call is unable to be answered, it will go to the same voicemail as the office phone so that the call will not sound any less professional.
“Find me follow me” is usually only available through PBX service, which allows offices to assign various extensions to certain employees instead of having just one general business voicemail inbox. Customarily, the ability to receive numerous calls simultaneously, on hold music, and unified messaging are included with the service. Doctors, lawyers, construction workers, salesmen, and especially those that are hired on an independent contractor basis will find this type of service to be the most useful for their needs.
For more information about “find me follow me” and PBX, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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