The speech recognition company Yap conducted a study on the preferences of voicemail users and, among other findings, discovered that the overwhelming majority of users preferred to receive their voicemail messages via email, text or a multimedia message instead of in their cell phone call bank.
Although receiving messages on one’s phone is beneficial for those on the go, as opposed to the old days when one had to wait until they returned home to check the answering machine, users still find traditional voicemail difficult. Many have a hard time remembering their password and then wading through commands to listen to messages. Finding saved messages are even more of a problem.
However, modern advancements in technology enable voicemail users to obtain their messages in much easier ways. The invention of unified messaging made receiving email and faxes much more convenient, as both can be received in an individual’s email inbox. Therefore, business owners and their employees need only look in one place to retrieve their messages, and there’s no difficulty involved with finding or listening to a message. Furthermore, voicemail and faxes can be saved indefinitely, or can be forwarded to other staff members in the office with the click of the mouse.
Interestingly, many may not be aware that this type of simplified communication is available. While voicemail users overwhelmingly would prefer to receive their messages in this manner, the population at large is still living in the dark ages and is missing out on a great convenience. Other studies have shown that the main factor that holds people back from using new voicemail technology is the price. However, the majority may not realize that there is a significant difference in price between voicemail systems and voicemail service, and that while purchasing a voicemail system may cost a business thousands of dollars, voicemail service averages under $10 a month.
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