The South Dakota Department of Corrections has announced that inmates within its prison system will soon be able to receive voicemail messages from family members. Up until now, inmates were not able to receive calls unless there was an emergency situation, such as a death in the family, and could only make outgoing calls via a debit calling card or by calling collect.
While the voicemail system will not cost taxpayers any money, there is a fee attached for those who leave messages. For $1, family members can leave up to a 60-second message to a loved one in prison, which inmates can check twice a day.
For wives whose husbands are in prison, or for children of inmates, this may make the difficulty of being separated a bit easier. Although they cannot engage in dialogue, it still may be comforting to hear a loved-ones’s voice from the outside, and to know that they are being thought of.
Voicemail services are being incorporated into society in new and interesting ways. People use voicemail daily not only on their cellphones or desk phones, but to also create comment or information lines, to implement automated order taking, and to leave important reminders for themselves without the need for paper, which can easily get lost. Voicemail providers such as are making telephony services that incorporate voicemail to email features and fax receipt capabilities into one package, as well as virtual PBX and voiceover services, more affordable with rates as low as $9.95 a month.
For more information about how you can improve communication by using voicemail for your business, facility or non-profit organization, visit
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