Sales consultants on YouTube are all saying the same thing about voicemail: “You must leave voicemail and you must leave it the right way!” These consultants state that while some in the sales industry may claim that voicemail doesn’t work, the problem is not the voicemail itself; it’s the lack of intrigue in the message.
Whether they’re talking to real estate agents, insurance agents or just salespeople in general, sales professionals state that instead of hanging up the phone when they receive voicemail, leaving a well-crafted message that grasps one’s attention does more good than doing nothing. In fact, Gateway Business Development Group suggests that instead of leaving a voicemail that gives a blatant sales pitch, a salesperson should send an email or other correspondence to their prospect, and then call to simply leave a voicemail notifying the executive that they wanted to advise them that they were sending the correspondence, and that they would call again in a few weeks to check back. Executives are often more responsive when they have time to look over information at their convenience, rather than feeling pressured on the spot.
Another option given by a sales expert on YouTube explained that real estate agents should use a hook when contacting prospective sellers by saying (for example), “We have a guarantee to sell your house within 39 days, or our services are free. Let’s set up a time to talk about getting your house sold in less than 39 days.”
Sales professionals that don’t utilize voicemail are not going to go anywhere. However, if they use voicemail incorrectly, then they are equally as stuck. These sales agents should also employ voicemail of their own, preferably virtual PBX service, so that when an executive does return the call, he has more of a chance of getting them on the phone whereever they might be.
For more information about voicemail and its advantages to businesses, visit
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