Voicemail is often the first impression that one receives of a company. If the greeting is uninteresting or sounds less than top notch, it may deter business. To avoid coming across as sounding amateur, it is recommended for businesses to have their voicemail greeting recorded by a professional.
Perhaps the most professional-sounding voicemail arrangement available is PBX. PBX allows businessees to create extensions and forward calls out of the office if the staff member being contacted is not available. However, even more so, PBX enables callers to be pleasantly greeted with professional announcements that outline the various extensions to choose from, followed by on-hold music while the call is being transferred. The greeting may sound something like this:
“Thank you for calling XYZ Company. If you know your party’s extension, you may press it at any time. For sales, press one. For billing, press two. To reach an operator, remain on the line and someone will assist you.”
Even if the business is small with just a few employees, it can sound just as good as if it were a Fortune 500 company. Especially if the company is operated from home, it is important to utilize a professional system, rather than to take the risk of the call being answered by one of the children.
If companies are honest, while many may have good business skills, not everyone has the best speaking voice. It may be too nasal; it may be too much of a high pitch; it could be monotonous. Therefore, sometimes recording your own greetings, while cheaper, may not be such a money saver in the long run — not if it deters potential clients. Businesses should ensure that their establishment sounds like a place where others would like to spend their money.
For more information about how professional voicemail voiceovers can help improve business image, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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