It has been stated that 95% of business is conducted over the phone. Companies may not realize how important the quality of their live answering and voicemail communications are to the success of their business; however, business managers would be wise to ensure that their staff is thoroughly trained to represent their company in a professional manner by utilizing proper office phone etiquette.
The attitude that employees carry about their workplace will be reflected in the tone that they answer the phone. If they are unmotivated to gain new clients and provide compassionate customer service, callers will pick that up in their voice. Therefore, it is imperative that all office staff answer each call with a smile and speak in a pleasant voice, while exuding the highest level of professionalism.
Using proper office phone etiquette also includes refraining from eating or chewing gum when handling the business phones. Responses to each caller should be clear and properly enunciated, and slang should be avoided. In a business environment, callers should be addressed in a respectful manner, for example, “Thank you for calling, Mr. Smith. Have a good day.”
When making outgoing calls, staff should always identify themselves and the name of the company that they represent. Never simply ask, “Is Bob there?” If it is necessary to leave voicemail, the message, although detailed as to the nature of the call, should be brief.
The use of business phone services, such as those provided by, can also give a company a more professional sound and feel, no matter what size business it is. Callers will receive a warm introductory greeting, and then, after selecting the extension of the individual they wish to speak to from the menu, they will be immediately transferred, so the office member can provide assistance.
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