Have you ever tried to make an important phone call, only to receive one of those disheartening busy signals? You call back five minutes later, then ten minutes, and still get the same annoying tone? By that time, you stop trying and then forget why you needed to call in the first place. How about sending faxes? Have you wasted time waiting by the fax machine due to busy signals from someone else sending through a 20-page report? With the newest innovations in voicemail and unified messaging, busy signals are a thing of the past.
For businesses that have multiple extensions, this is a tremendous advantage. With new technology such as virtual PBX, over 20 calls can be received simultaneously, immediately routing to the appropriate extension. Multiple faxes can be received at the same time as well, and instead of being delivered to a clunky fax machine, they are received neatly in a designated email inbox. Junk faxes can simply be removed by hitting delete, and faxes that need to be saved for later can either be printed out or just saved electronically in a special folder. Businesses can even forward received faxes to innumerable other co-workers without having to make paper copies, and voicemail can likewise be shared just by clicking “send.”
Modern-day advancements in telephony make office communication very simple and extremely organized. Furthermore, voicemail and fax services offered by providers such as Voicemail Office make business communication very convenient. Virtually all of the headaches associated with the old ways of telephony, such as busy signals and mounds of paper to sort through from the fax machine, are gone. Certainly every office, whether one seeking small business phone service or connections for a Fortune 500 company, should upgrade their current office phone system.
To purchase low-cost voicemail and fax service, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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