In these tough economic times, many businesses are looking for ways to cut costs, keep expenses at a minimum and yet work more efficiently. One of the first places that businesses should start is through their office phone, fax and voicemail system.
Some businesses pay a lot of money to purchase in-house voicemail equipment in an effort to handle their messaging needs more effectively. However, the latest innovations in voicemail no longer require companies to utilize equipment, which has thus drastically lowered the cost of voicemail features, including virtual PBX. Furthermore, businesses no longer need to utilize fax equipment as messages can be sent and received virtually through a computer interface. Therefore, there’s no more toner to buy, no more rolls of fax paper, and no more per-minute fees.
In addition to cutting costs, these features also bring simplification to the office in that voicemail and faxes can be retrieved in one place. Staff members simply need to login to their email to receive incoming messages as voicemail is emailed to the recipient as an mp3 attachment, and faxes are emailed as pdf files. Everything is neatly in its place, which makes organization easier and office function much more efficient.
Unified messaging providers such as Voicemail Office offer these services for the low rate of just $9.95 a month, which is less than the cost of an ink cartridge for the office printer. Calls can even be routed to ring into the cell phones of appropriate staff members after hours or set up to be handled by automated ordering.
For more information about how the latest innovations in voicemail and unified messaging can help cut costs while improving office communication, please visit
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