Some businesses are still using the old-fashioned method of capturing telephone messages. These same businesses, however, are likely lacking all of the advantages that accompany modern voicemail: unified messaging, follow me live features, 24-hour automated order taking and more. The latest innovations in voicemail allow users to easily program their voicemail account to perform all of these functions simply with the use of an internet control panel.
Internet control panels make everything flexible and customizable to a business’ liking and/or needs. For instance, if a business wishes to utilize the “follow me live” feature of their voicemail service, which allows calls from the business number to ring in to a staff member’s cell phone or home phone after hours or when they are away from their desk for an extended period of time, they can program their voicemail to forward calls during certain days and hours — whenever they like. If the business adds an employee and needs another extension, they can simply designate and label the extension in their control panel. If they need to alter the email address that their voicemail and faxes are sent to, they can do so by the click of a mouse.
In this manner, businesses have the power to customize their voicemail in the way that is most effective for them without having to be a tech expert. Some companies, however, choose to go the more expensive route and hire a professional to wire the entire facility, simply to set up a voicemail system that has voicemail to email, fax to email and/or PBX capabilities. While there may be certain reasons for doing so for large corporations, most small and medium-sized businesses would do better purchasing a hosted, online voicemail package that simply enables customization via an internet control panel, with no equipment to buy and no software to install.
For more information about the benefits of internet-based voicemail services, visit
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