With the rise of COVID-19 cases around the world, hospitals, medical facilities and physician offices around the globe are having to deal with a heavy influx in call volume, which is taking a toll on office workers and staff. However, Voicemail Office, and its sister company of Live Answering Network, have innovative solutions that can help lift this burden and free up valuable time for workers and staff to tend to the immediate needs within given offices as it relates to the worldwide pandemic.
From live answering services with operators trained in the taking of COVID-19 testing and vaccination calls to automated voicemail solutions to streamline call flow and allow callers to schedule COVID-19 testing appointments, Voicemail Office is the go-to company to alleviate the burden that the pandemic has placed on the medical industry in telecommunication operations by offering both affordable and innovate solutions in the handling of pandemic calls.
One of the main services that can help any medical-related office is Voicemail Office’s Question & Answer Voicemail system, which can help in scheduling appointments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The system can be setup with various questions and answers, where the answers to the questions are then forwarded to a specified email address for handling.
Another beneficial 24 hour service is Live Answering Network’s 24/7 COVID-19 testing and vaccination hotline, where calls are directed to fully trained, friendly and supportive agents that can schedule appointments and take messages during and after hours. All calls are answered at centers that are HIPPA and HITECH compliant by agents experienced in scheduling appointments related to COVID-19.
In a time where so much is happening and many offices are short-staffed, Voicemail Office is just a call away and its services can really make a difference in helping those in the medical field succeed as they fight on the frontlines to care for their patients and those in need.
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