At one time, cost was the most significant obstacle that kept businesses from implementing new technology in voicemail. However, with voicemail systems being so affordable today, the price is no longer an issue.
In 2007, the firm Frost and Sullivan conducted an independent survey of 300 business enterprises regarding the “challenges faced by companies in adopting new telecom technologies.” Not surprisingly, the majority of respondents agreed that the main challenges in improving their telephony systems were “limited budgets” and “higher prices of new/advanced technologies.” True, most businesses today, even the most successful of ventures, must be careful regarding their expenditures and some can understandably be apprehensive in investing capital in new technology. Yet, when it comes to voicemail, businesses should have no reservations in upgrading their business communication. Not only are prices so affordable that they are almost free, but companies have even stated that implementing voicemail has saved them a significant amount of money. For instance, General Electric (GE), which was one of the first companies to start using modern voicemail, has stated that over $1100 per employee has been saved simply by upgrading their business phone system.
Interestingly, upgrading to new voicemail technology does not require the purchase of new equipment. Instead, all a business needs to do is sign up for a local or toll free number from their voicemail provider, who will then host their service virtually and direct their incoming voicemail messages to a designated email inbox. Fax messages can also be sent and received via the same number and inbox. That’s right, there’s no need for a fax machine as it can all be done electronically!
While some businesses may cringe at the thought of how much such a service might cost them, they may be pleasantly surprised to know that rates start at just $9.95 a month. That’s like the cost of a meal for one person at Friendly’s! How much more valuable is a month’s worth of phone service?!
For more information about how businesses can implement ground-breaking voicemail technology at extremely affordable rates, visit
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