Many business managers may not realize that one of the simplest ways to increase the productivity of their staff is to upgrade their office phone system. The latest innovations in voicemail are time savers and help to organize the office in ways never before realized.
One of the most genius inventions in telephony today is unified messaging. Unified messaging emerged as a reaction to the plethora of methods of communication that have sprung up in popularity over the past 20 years or so, namely voicemail, fax service and email. Instead of offices having to check all three locations for messages — and purchase separate equipment in the process, which can be very costly — business professionals need only to login to their email to be notified of all incoming messages.
Consequently, there’s a lot less time wasted. Staff aren’t searching here and there trying to find a pink message slip from the receptionist, and they aren’t digging through mounds of faxes trying to locate an important contract. Everything is neatly inside their email, and they can even organize further by downloading their voicemail or fax files and segmenting them into folders. Thus, business professionals can get right to work actually doing their job: going after sales leads, calling business contacts, signing contracts.
Virtual PBX, also known as hosted PBX, is another voicemail innovation that can help to increase productivity both in and out of the office. When staff members are on the road, or even after hours, the office can program its voicemail system to forward all calls for the staff member’s extension to the individual’s cell phone, thus allowing the staff member to continue working and not miss any important or urgent calls. Offices need only to login to an internet interface to make these simple programming requests.
Increased productivity equals increased income, therefore, it would be beneficial for offices to put the technology to work for them.
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