It is said that the average business professional listens to his voicemail with his finger hovering over the delete button. Therefore, in order to earn a callback, the voicemail message must be crafted properly at the onset in order to grasp his attention.
Especially if one is trying to make a sale, voicemail messages need to be worded carefully. Don’t give the person all the information up front, such as, “For only $19.95, we can get this shipped to you right away. You just need to call me back with your credit card number.” Messages like that are instantly going to be deleted. Instead, leave your name and your company name, and ask to speak to the individual for a few minutes at their convenience, and then leave your number. Think about what you need to say and write it down if necessary. Try to keep the message short, 60 seconds or less is preferred. Stating the phone number twice is recommended as sometimes thet telephone can distort sound slightly.
Salesmen may be able to increase the number of sales that they land simply by setting aside time each day to leave 1-2 dozen voicemail messages. Rather than trying to nail someone on the spot with a sales pitch, leave them a message to give you a call at their convenience. After the week is up, you will have made anywhere from 60-125 sales calls. But again, how you leave the message largely determines whether or not you will receive a callback.
It is also helpful to have modern voicemail service, such as that offered by Voicemail Office, which includes unified messaging. When a business professional leaves you a message or faxes you a contract, instead of looking in 3 different places, you can receive it all right in your email inbox. If you have mobile web on your cell phone, you can always access these messages on the go. This type of service is immensely beneficial to the organization of the office.
For more information about the value of voicemail to the success of a business, visit
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