Voicemail has come a long way in recent years. Offices that use answering machines to retrieve messages are now considered to be operating in the Dark Ages. Voicemail no longer requires the purchase of new equipment, and can be accessed in more places than just the telephone.
Nowadays, voicemail plans, such as those offered by unified messaging companies like Voicemail Office, enable businesses to obtain their voicemail messages via email, along with all incoming faxes. Therefore, the need for fax equipment is also eliminated, and someday fax machines may someday become an ancient artifact like the cassette recorder and the rotary phone.
Some may not realize how enormous of an advantage it is to not need fax equipment, but when you factor in all of the expenses and frustrations associated with the fax machine, upgrading to the new technology is a no-brainer. Think about all of those times you’ve struggled with paper jams or have run out of paper only to learn of it later when you receive half of an important fax. What about all of the money that your office has spent in purchasing fax paper and toner? Then, if you use dial-up telephone service, consider all the fees you’ve paid for outgoing calls and faxes.
You may be thinking that this new technology that enables unified voicemail and fax messaging costs a bundle itself; however, you will be surprised to find that such services are actually extremely affordable. How much, you ask? $50 a month? $25? Try $9.95. Now after you pick your jaw up off the floor, compare the cost of $9.95 a month to the expenses that your office has currently been spending for both phone and fax service — minus the convenience of obtaining all of your messages in all one place. It just makes sense to switch, doesn’t it?
For more information about how unified voicemail and fax messaging can be a great asset to any business, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com
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