Many businesses force callers to listen to their favorite radio station when they are placed on hold. However, this concept not only is not beneficial for businesses, but it could also place them in the path of legal troubles. Thankfully, modern voicemail service can help solve all of that.
Some businesses may not realize that by having clients or potential clients listen to the local radio station when on hold they may be listening to a variety of commercials for other businesses that they do not wish to promote or advertise. In fact, one or more of those businesses may be their direct competitor. Furthermore, businesses could deter potential clients if the radio station is less than moral or family-friendly.
Not only that, but if leadership from the recording industry and those responsible for collecting royalties become aware that the business is playing music for their customers, they may find themselves with a lawsuit, or at the least, a letter in the mail ordering them to pay up for all of the music that they have been playing for the public without going through the proper channels to arrange for royalty payments.
However, modern voicemail services nowadays (which not only offer features for when businesses can’t answer the phone, but when they can!) provide users with the ability to place callers on hold with pleasant music that contains no advertising. The music is also royalty-free, so businesses don’t have to worry about any legal ramifications. It additionally makes the business appear much more professional than listening to a radio or even complete silence. Home businesses or small businesses that need to build a professional image with potential clients and business contacts would do well to purchase voicemail service that includes on hold music. Having a professionalvoicemail voiceover produced may be of great benefit as well.
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