Need an extra phone number? Information line? Choose a local voicemail number from cities across the U.S. and Canada starting at $9.95/mo. with no usage charges. Whether you need a local number for your personal use, business or organization, this system will work for you!
Local Voicemail Office (LVO) is a feature-enriched virtually-hosted voicemail service that does not require any equipment or installation, providing you with a local voicemail number in the service city of your choice in the U.S. or Canada with no per minute fees!
The voicemail service will allow you to record a long 3-minute outgoing greeting and callers can leave up to 3-minute incoming voicemail messages. Additional minutes can also be added for longer greetings, and we also offer other customization. When placing your order, you can also order additional extensions, such as press 1, 2 and 3 for $1/ext.
LVO also receives faxes on the same number and will automatically e-mail them to you. The system can accept multiple calls at the same time, so your callers will not receive a busy signal! Whether your pick up your messages by phone or listen to them from any e-mail account, LVO makes it easy. On the go? With text notification, you will immediately know when a message is left on your system. Add our Read My Voicemail feature and have your voicemail sent to you already transcribed!
LVO can store up to 1,000 messages, and since your voicemail messages can be sent to your e-mail account, you can store them for as long as you would like. You will also have unlimited usage on the system because you are billed a flat rate. Really, there are no per minute charges! With Caller ID and web access, you can also know who called, the moment they call, even if they don’t leave a message. And, with our Best Price/Value Guarantee, you can be assured that you are not overpaying for service.
In short, you have found what you are looking for at the right price!
Overview of LVO:
• Only $9.95 per month!* • Contact us if you do not see a feature |
All Features Included:
• 3-minute outgoing greeting *$1/mo. add’tl (unlimited faxes) |
Since this is a stand-alone voicemail system, if you would like live-call-transfer, you would need to order one of our Virtual Voicemail Office (VVO) packages.
Moving an existing number to us? If you would like to move an existing local or toll free number to us, you may do so easily on our order form under the “Other Options” section.
New features now available! You now can receive and send text messages (SMS & MMS) from your LVO number! Additionally, we offer the ability to transcribe your voicemails with Read My Voicemail, as well as Mobile Transcription with which voicemails can be texted to you in written form. These premium services can now be added for an small flat rate cost. Call 888-VOICEMAIL for details!
Pre-recorded: You can record your own greeting, choose from our pre-recorded greetings, or have one of our experienced voiceover talent people record your greeting for you.
Greeting Only: Use your LVO to only present information and not take messages. Simply request this when signing up.
By-pass: Have a long greeting? Your callers can press the number 2 to bypass your greeting and leave a message.
You may view the Local Voicemail Office (LVO) Instructions in full here.
Quick Key Guide for Managing Messages:
1 Plays new message
2 Saves message
3 Deletes messages
4 Plays Caller ID/Date/Time
5 Forwards message
6 Responds to message
7 Rewinds message 3 seconds
8 Pauses Message
9. Fast forwards message 3 seconds
Other features include the ability to make and pass messages to other mailboxes, send voice memos and more!
Other features included or that can be added to your LVO service:
(Please call us at 1-888-VOICEMAIL for details)
Message Priority: | Your messages may be marked Urgent, Confidential, Future Delivery, Return Receipt or Reminder. |
Rotational Mailboxes: | Callers are distributed equally to employees on a ’round robin’ basis, whether employees are in the same office or scattered around the country. |
Question & Answer: | You can program voice mailboxes to ask questions, record responses and even ask different questions depending on the answers given by your callers. Click here to learn more. |
Automated Order Taking: | By customizing your Question and Answer Mailbox you can provide your customers with the ability to place orders 24 hours a day. Click here to learn more. |
Voice Menu: | Instead of typing, record your office memos. It’s easier, faster and less expensive than typing, you’ll use it often and everyone will always be “up to date”. |
Reminder Calls: | You can program your mailbox to call you anywhere, anytime and deliver a message you have recorded for yourself. |
Telephone Book Listing: | If you use your Voicemail Office number as your business number we can arrange to list that number with the telephone company, in your name or your company name. You will be listed in Directory Assistance now and your number will be printed in the next telephone book. |
Receive Faxes (included): | Faxes are received and saved in your fax mailbox until you want them. You can have them forwarded to any fax machine or to your e-mail. Perfect for travel or for any home office. |
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