We believe that our voicemail, toll free and unified messaging prices and services are among the best in the industry, and we not only want you to enjoy the ease of our services, but want you to spread the word to your friends, fellow entrepreneurs and business associates. In return, we will credit you a full free month of service for every referral—no matter what service you are subscribed to—for every person referred that signs up for service, and those you refer who sign up will get free activation! Without your referral, they cannot get this benefit, so take a moment to refer someone you think might benefit from our products and services now.
There is no limit to how many people you can refer, just use the referral box below and an automatic email will be sent to your friend or associate explaining the value and ease of our service. If they sign up, a credit will automatically be applied to your account. It’s just that easy! Go ahead and refer someone today! The friendly e-mail is only sent out one time noting that you are recommending our voicemail, toll free and live answering services with an easy to read breakdown of how our services can help them with their personal, business or organization’s call and messaging needs. (a sample message can be viewed here)
Don’t have anyone to refer, but have a website? No problem. You can post a post a link to our services on your site and get a free month of service! Or, you might be interested in our affiliate program.
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