Are you paying too much for a telephone service with another company that you rarely use? Have a landline or mobile number you want to keep? Then, why not save money and move your number to us and take advantage of our great voicemail service! The process is simple!
The process of moving a local phone number, whether it is an existing mobile or landline, or a toll free number, to VMO, requires that you order one of our service plans, which can be found under our Plans & Pricing page. Once you decide on the features and functions you need, place your order and on the order form click the arrow for Move an existing number to us as in sample below, which is under the “Other Options” section that appears on all of our order forms and follow the steps. It’s just that easy!
After your order is placed, you will receive an email that will provide you with a few more steps and you are set! All steps can be viewed by clicking here. It usually takes between 1-2 weeks for your current carrier to release the number to us, and as soon as they do, your service will be active with us as you take advantage of our low rates are great service!
Get started by signing up for one of our local voicemail number services by learning more here. Or, if you are seeking to move a toll free number to us, click here.
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